Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Blog post #10

ipad Mrs. Cassidy has a very influential teaching style. She started a web page that helps students stay focused and would help them learn. Instead of parent teacher conferences, the parents use the site to keep up with how their child is doing in the classroom. She states that students love blogging and making their own videos. The students also like to show their blog to their parents. These students have a way with technology that we don't. It is part of their world unlike us. She also stated that we are handicapping our students and ourselves if we do not let technology in our classroom. The children doing the blogs give them an audience. They enjoy having people around the world read their blogs. They also tend to do better when they know others are looking at their work. The students tend to like blogging because it tells them how many people view their blog. This keeps the students involved.
Every teacher needs to learn how to use technology. It is no spreadsheets or word documents anymore. It is a lot more advanced. Using twitter as a teacher has been proven to help in so many ways. Creating your own personal learning network is something you should start while you are in college.
In the third video, one students asked how many days a week do your students blog? She replied, hey blog about once a week sometimes twice. It also depends on the class size. I think this would be great to use in my classroom. I also think parents would find it very helpful. This blog would allow you to pull up and watch their progress. It is a great way to keep parents involved in their child's learning.

Links to the conversations between Dr. Strange and Mrs. Cassidy 

First Graders in Mrs. Cassidy's class
Interview with Cassidy Part 1
Interview with Cassidy part 2
Interview with Cassidy part 3


  1. Candace,
    It also really stuck out to me when she talked about limiting or "handicapping" our students when we do not allow them to use technology. Student's really can go above and beyond our expectations if we don't put a limit on their potential!
