Monday, March 30, 2015

Blog Post #11
What can we learn about teaching & learning from these teachers?

Back to the Future
Brain Crosby shows in his TedxTalk that disadvantaged students can achieve success just as any other student. Crosby focuses on project based learning in his classroom, and he never gives up on his students. Every student has access to a laptop. They also blog regularly . He also used project basled learning to establish the Balloon is space project

In Paul Anderson's video Blended Learning Cycle, he tells how blended learning is ground for online learning, mobile learning, and classroom learning all into one. The learning cycle consist of 5 E's which are engaged, expand, explain, and evaluate. In his science class he uses the following 6 steps:
1. Question
6.Summary quiz

"Headline" Routine
In Mark Church's headline activity, he has all of his students watch a video for their instructions to their lesson. After, they brainstorm together and come up with a "headline" for it. Students can revise the headline at the end of the lesson. I really liked this activity and the students enjoyed it also.

Super Digital Citizen
Sam Pane's project was amazing! Pane's project taught so many skills to the students. The students had so much fun creating their own comics. I cannot wait to use this in my future classroom.

Project Based Learning
In this video, Dean Shareski shows how Canadian teachers are using project based learning. Project based learning increases student engagement and provides and opportunity for deeper understanding. Students are proud of their work when using project based learning.

Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program
Roosevelt Elementary shows in this video what project based learning is and explains its benefits. They use real world application in all of their learning. it also allows students to work by themselves and with others. It also builds their social skills and independence that they will use throughout their life.


  1. Great post! I really liked how you broke each link up into its own segment and wrote your thoughts about it below. I thought it was sent up very well and flowed. Keep it up!

  2. Great post! Keep up the good work!
